Even though we've had this set for a very long time, I just started playing it again yesterday. We've listened to it all morning now.
As my three year old is sitting on the couch with the stomach flu and my younger two are demanding their share of attention, the music is reminding me of the beauty I want to fill their lives with. The little things I can do to make our home lovely, for all of us, that help me remain thankful and see all our blessings in the midst of what is, otherwise, a pretty low day.
This musical backdrop is reminding me that I can choose to respond to my daughters illness with anxiety and anger that things can't be perfect for her, or I can respond with a level head, with snuggles and warm tea.
In other words: I can set the emotional temperature in my home today,
instead of being swayed by the circumstances.
I suppose it helps that this verse was in my reading plan today:
Ephesians 4:14-15
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
tossed here and there by waves
and carried about by every wind of doctrine,
by the trickery of men,
by craftiness in deceitful scheming;
we are to grow up in all aspects into Him
who is the head, even Christ,
Beethoven's music reminds me of spring, and little birds and beauty. Check out this beautiful photograph for sale Here. |
aww what an amazing post :)
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