
When I was two years old, after having numerous strange and uncurable and unexplainable symptoms such as fainting spells, memory loss, hives and many other symptoms - my mother was diagnosed with hypoglycemia.

At that point in my life I already had a lot of symptoms that were cured once I adhered to a strict diet, but the diet didn't last long.  I spent my childhood throwing up, extremely anxious, went through seasons of hives and have always experienced very intense mood swings.

I have seen all these things a direct result of a diet too saturated with sugar and carbohydrates.  I have also seen these symptoms completely disappear when I have managed to completely erradicate sugar, white flour and other carbohydrate rich foods.

The heart breaking thing is seeing my kids experience the same symptoms in seasons when we are not sticking to the diet as a family.

So, one of my main goals, everyday, is to keep our blood sugars low, and keep our diets on track.

I'll be labeling posts with:

Hypoglycemia Experience
Hypoglycemia Recipes
Hypoglycemia With Kids

If you ever just want to talk about it, as it seems to be one of those things that many Doctors dismiss as 'in your head' - please email me at impressinghearts@gmail.com.
