Our homeschool preschool has gone amazingly well this week. Monday I started using Manangers of Their Homes by Teri Maxwell and it's made a world of difference.
So, since the week has been so good and I wanted Fridays to be a little special I decided to make it a kitchen day today. I'm having the kids help me make food. So far we've made a salad and talked about all the vegetables and put some ingredients in the bread maker for dough for a pumpkin pastry. We did those things during the normal 'pre-school' half an hour time slots and then we did our normal 15 minutes with mommy per child. It's been a great morning! And we even had the added thing of daddy getting to stay home an extra two hours this morning and mommy waking up late, which usually leaves the day in total shambles, but not today!
Now that we are in the full swing of things, I'll be posting more. AND since my camera is found and functional again there will be pictures! Hooray!